Corporate Governance

The Company is committed to the establishment of good corporate governance practices and procedures with a view to being a transparent and responsible organization that is open and accountable to the Shareholders. The Company strives to adhere to the principles and the applicable code provisions of the code on corporate Governance Practices as set out in Appendix 14 of the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited.


The Company believes that by achieving high standard of corporate governance, the corporate value and accountability of the Company can be enhanced and the shareholders’interests can be maximised. The Board will continuously review and improve the corporate governance practices and standards of the Company to ensure compliance.

Executive Directors

Mr Zhang Jinbing

Mr Yang Zeyun

Mr Wang Yuelai

Mr Wang Jian

Non-Executive Directors

Ms Choi Ka Ying

Ms He Xiaodong

Mr Jie Yinghan

Reference of the Audit Committee

Ms Choi Ka Ying (Chairman)

Ms He Xiaodong

Mr Jie Yinghan

Reference of the Remuneration Committee

Mr Zhang Jinbing (Chairman)

Ms Choi Ka Ying

Ms He Xiaodong

Reference of the Nomination Committee

Mr Zhang Jinbing (Chairman)

Ms He Xiaodong

Mr Jie Yinghan

About Majestic Dragon

(formerly know as State Energy Group Assets Holdings) Founded in 1977 and subsequently publicly listed in the SEHK in 1997 (stock code : 00918)

Our Address

Unit 13, 5/F, Tower 1, Harbour Centre, 1 Hok Cheung Street, Hung Hom, Kowloon, Hong Kong

 (852) 2123 8460